Lifestyle Standard Poodles
Home of Multi Colored Poodles

They are not just dogs...
They are art!
(Rachael Leigh)
Home of the Exotic Multi-Colored Poodle
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart,
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
-Unknown Author.
Standard Poodles have been a part of our lives since 1992. At that time, we had solids in various colors. One day, I saw the most striking Parti Poodle that I had ever seen and just knew I had to have one. My mission was to find one of those breathtaking beauties and take her or him home. Ten years have passed since that day, and my passion for them grows each day!
My first Parti was a beautiful brown and white male whom I named Picasso because, to me, he looked like an artistic masterpiece. I thought that his markings were a gorgeous splash of color that was unbelievably different from that of my solid colored standards. He turned out to be the most handsome, well-behaved gentleman that loved all his other poodle friends.
About a year later, I purchased a black and white female that I named Monet. Again, I wanted to name her after a famous artist because of her artful beauty. She is my quiet, laid back, gentle girl that also gets along with everyone. Since then, I have added several different colors and patterns..
My dogs produce Phantom, Sable, Brindle and, Partis in black/white, brown/white, blue/white, silver/white, and abstracts. Abstracts are a solid color with a white spot on the chest and one or more of their feet.
I am a member in good standing of the United Poodle Association since 2013.
Lorraine Gentile